Exam Questions

Q) Hair Gel (4.02.37p)

June 28, 2007

Recent test takers report a question on their exams involving Hair Gel with Buzzy, Supercuts, and Razorcuts. This question is nearly identical in concepts tested to the Einstein / Weisman football pads question #37 from the April 2002 (pm) exam. Original Question: 37. Applicant Einstein files a patent application on November 26, 1999, that claims […]

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Q) Reissue (variant of Tommie and Jo)

June 27, 2007

A patent containing claims 1-10 has issued. The subject matter of claims 1-5 was invented by inventor A, who has assigned his rights to your client, company C. The subject matter of claims 6-10 was invented by inventor B, who refuses to cooperate with company C unless he is the sole named inventor of his […]

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Q) Door Handle (10.03.24a)

June 6, 2007

Question #24 from the October 2003 (AM) patent bar exam is in the Prometric database. A registered practitioner filed an application for an applicant claiming a “a means for pulling the door open.” The specification describes a handle and a knob being used together as a corresponding structure for pulling the door open. A prior […]

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Q) Lip Gloss/Ship Bell (MPEP 2100, Experimental Use)

May 26, 2007

These questions have to do with experimental use and 102(b) rejections. Experimental use doesn’t start the one year clock for 102(b), but using the invention in a non-experimental way (even in a stupid way) starts the one year clock for 102(b). It doesn’t matter if no one knew about the invention (e.g., corset) or could […]

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Q) Information requested from USPTO

May 21, 2007

Company A gave their agent B, the competitor’s patent application number, and asked if the agent B could get the information on the competitor’s patent application; whether it has been published and publication date. By telephoning the office, how do you get such information? 101 General […]When handling an incoming telephone call or an in […]

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Q) Toy Airplane with Foil Wings (10.03.46p)

May 20, 2007

A variant question #46 citing a Toy Plane with Foil Wings from the October 2003 (pm) exam is in the Prometric database. Original Question: 46. A primary examiner is examining a patent application. The application includes a specification and a single claim to the invention that reads as follows: 1. A building material to be […]

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