Exam Questions

Q) Broom Handle (MPEP 2100)

October 27, 2007

I think the two part broom handle question to which you are referring might be the question about the application containing some ridiculous number of claims, like I think 900 or so. It has to do with multiplicity. I haven’t seen it on an exam, but I have seen it referred to on the boards. […]

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Q) Documents Requiring Signatures

October 17, 2007

Which documents don’t need a signature; the options included, an appeal brief, and an assertion claiming small entity status

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Q) Costa Rica and Sweeden – PCT (1800)

September 20, 2007

There were two PCT questions regarding 102(e) date, one in which the filing date was november 20, 2000 and an identical one in which the filing date was in december 2000. a couple of PCT questions regarding filing dates of PCT aplications in US/RO where applicants are not citizens (one where inventors are from costa […]

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Q) Moondust (10.03.6p)

August 24, 2007

  Recent takers report that question #6 from the October 2003 (PM) test is in the Prometric database. 6. Inventor Tip, a scientist in a pencil research laboratory, theorized that, based on the abrasive properties of moon dust, a highly efficient erasure can be made by adding a trace amount of moon dust to a […]

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Q) Five Steps to Cross a Road (10.03.23a)

August 24, 2007

Recent test takers report question #23 from the October 2003 (am) exam is in the Patent Bar database of tested questions. 23. Applicant files a claim which includes the following limitation: “a step for crossing the road.” The specification recites the following acts: “(1) go to the curb, (2) look both ways, (3) if the […]

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Q) Appeals

August 24, 2007

Question #1 Definitely know that dependent claims objected for their dependency on a rejected independent claim will be treated as if rejected if appeal doesn’t overcome the independent claim’s rejection (this includes withdrawal of the appeal). The application IS NOT abandoned/allowed right away, but rather goes back to the examiner’s jurisdiction, whereupon he’ll either allow […]

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